Unlocking Value Through Operations and Maintenance: a Report by PEAK Wind and BCG

Gain insight into the importance of Operations & Maintenance (O&M) for improving the operational performance and profitability of offshore wind farms with this report by BCG and PEAK Wind 

Uncover the potential of optimising offshore wind farm performance through O&M

Within the context of offshore wind farms, operations and maintenance (O&M) play a pivotal role in enhancing operational performance and profitability. As these farms evolve from supplementary green energy sources to primary providers, the importance of efficient O&M practices has grown significantly.

While the industry traditionally prioritised expansion and timely project delivery, there lies untapped potential in optimising existing operational fleets for greater value creation. The convergence of turbine technology advancements and a shift toward revenue-focused strategies necessitates robust predictive O&M approaches. This shift not only reduces operational costs (OPEX) and enhances asset availability, but also enables adaptation to market fluctuations and ensures sustainable long-term asset management.

By redefining operational practices and leveraging technological advancements, offshore wind farm operators can boost profitability, optimize energy production, and contribute to wind energy’s expanding role in global energy systems.

Why should project owners focus on improving Operations and Maintenance?

Capital expenditure (CAPEX) for offshore wind has decreased more rapidly than operational expenditure (OPEX). Compared to the past, offshore wind projects now have significantly longer lifespans, and their operational performance plays an increasingly important role in determining the net present value. 

In the past, offshore wind developers focused primarily on expanding their project pipelines and ensuring timely project delivery, leaving operational efficiency as a secondary consideration. However, with growing competitive pressures, developers should now recognise the substantial untapped value within the operational fleets of even the largest and most experienced developers.

Numerous current O&M practices have their origins in the past, when wind turbines and projects were smaller and had shorter lifespan expectations. Furthermore, the full value potential of digitisation and generative AI remains to be utlised.

As the offshore wind industry transitions toward a seller’s market and faces a growing talent shortage, the development of highly competitive O&M solutions—whether internally or through strategic sourcing—has become advantageous. This approach not only allows owners to present compelling business cases and achieve attractive returns but also provides easier access to critical technical data from operational sites.

How do you ensure your O&M strategy is mature, sustainable and future-ready? 


Matti Scheu

Director at PEAK Wind

Malthe Hippe

Partner and Associate Director in BCG’s Hamburg office

Lars Conradsen

Founding Partner at PEAK Wind

Robert Hjorth

Managing Director and Partner in BCG’s Oslo office

PEAK Wind and BCG are collaborating on selected projects within offshore wind O&M and construction. The BCG Competence Center for Offshore Wind and PEAK Wind bring complimentary capabilities to the table that we seamlessly integrate to support our clients seeking to improve operational efficiency.

Do you want to tap into the value potential of your project's O&M setup?

Find out more about PEAK Wind's O&M Strategy, Concepts, and OPEX services