Find the definitions of more than 180 technical, commercial, and financial abbreviations related to the renewables sector.
An estimate of production on a site determined before operation based on wind resource investigations to determine the type and quantity of turbine(s) and wind farm setup. It should reflect the expected AEP.
The bottom layer of the troposphere that is in contact with the surface of the earth.
Strategy to make use of Advanced Control Systems by modelling the wind turbine using computing techniques such as proportional-integral-derivative (PID), soft computing or fuzzy logic.
Monitors nearby aircraft, activating obstruction lighting for safety and compliance, and deactivating it when aircraft depart.
Estimation of energy produced annually based on local wind speed distribution at hub height and power curve of the chosen wind turbine. AEP is an ideal estimation, i.e. uncertainties, technical losses, downtime etc. is not included.
Vessel mainly built to handle anchors for oil rigs, tow them to location, and use them to secure the rigs in place. AHTS vessels sometimes also serve as Emergency Response and Rescue Vessels (ERRVs) and as supply transports.
Discipline of business processes, systems, tools, competencies and resources needed to ensure integrity throughout the entire asset life time.
Cross section of an aerodynamic wing, blades (of a wind turbine), wings, sails etc.
Coordinated activity of an organization to maximize value from assets, such as a wind farm. Asset Management refers to the full life time of an asset.
A contractual agreement between a renewable energy asset owner and a management company, outlining the terms and conditions for the commercial management of the asset for a specific period.
Service concept developed and offered by Vestas to with the aim of optimizing cost and production
Percentage calculated on a annual basis describing the availability of a wind turbine for operation. It can be based on different variables, e.g. time- or production-based. Furthermore availability is often divided in two categories: technical and contractual availability, latter adjusted for e.g. contract clauses and exemptions.
An availability warranty guarantees that a wind turbine will achieve a specified level of performance, measured by either operational uptime (time-based) or energy output (energy-based), over a defined period, excluding agreed exceptions.
Scale describing wind force and wave height conditions, ranging from 0 (calm) to 12 (hurricane).
Insurance covering loss of income. In the energy industry case, it will be loss of production due to causes as specified in the contract, e.g. damage to transmission assets, grid connection, etc.
Used to detect and mitigate potential risks to avian species near infrastructure or renewable energy projects.
Access arrangement for service vessels to access a offshore wind turbine. The type of boat landing depends on foundation type.
Agency within the United States Department of the Interior, that is responsible for offshore renewable energy development in Federal waters. Activities are amongst others planning, leasing, permits and resource evaluation regarding offshore activities such as oil, gas and renewables.
Supporting components and auxiliary systems of a power plant needed to deliver energy, other than the generating unit itself. In the case of wind energy, BoP often comprises inter-array and export cables, off- and onshore substations, as well as foundations.
Agency within the United States Department of the Interior. Activities are among others to develop regulations and granting permits to ensure a safe working environment, protection and conservation of the environment and resources offshore such as oil, gas and renewables industry in the US.
German authority in charge of regulations and permits granting to build offshore wind farms within German waters.
Electricity generated independent of the grid. ‘Meter’ refers to the electric meter at a site that measures how much grid energy is being used by the facility.
Refers to UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) and drone operations beyond the pilot’s typical visible range, offering advantages over line-of-sight flying
Investment costs (non-recurring costs) generated over lifetime of a wind farm comprising of pre-development, production, installation, decommissioning, disposal, site clearance, as well as investments during operations.
Property Insurance covering physical loss arising from any fortuitous causes during the construction phase of the windfarm, except those that are specifically excluded.
This is similar to MCR but specifically refers to the replacement of components that are critical to the operation of the renewable energy system.
Structural unit designed for repeated use in the transport of goods and equipment to, from, or between fixed and or floating offshore installations, ships, and/or shore-based operations.
Method for wind flow modelling. Done by simulating the wind flow across the site area and turbine positions by taking several atmospheric parameters and the terrain into consideration.
Vessel used to install/place cable lines networks on to the seabed. It includes both inter-array and export cables.
Vibration monitoring system primarily used on rotating parts, e.g. bearings and main shaft. Also known as Turbine Condition Monitoring (TCM).
A certificate issued by the proper authority, which grants an official approval of a project, construction, installation procedure etc. in order to comply with relevant regulations.
Point in time (particular date) for transition from construction to operations. The COD can be calculated in different ways. For example, it could be defined as the point in time when the last WTG gets into operations or the average of the CODs of all WTGs. Before COD, there is usually a final walk-through and short test period (e.g. 240 hours without stop).
Subsea power cables should count on an adequate structure not only to avoid typical damages originated from harsh seabed conditions, but also to protect the cable structure when it enters the foundation. Furthermore system structure should also include a solution to avoid localized scouring around cables. The setup of the system vary according to the specifications of the cable, characteristics of the seabed, etc.
It encompasses installation vessels, cable laying vessels, and crew tender vessels, essential for offshore wind farm construction and maintenance.
Multi-purpose offshore vessels able to support the construction and maintenance of offshore structures.
Access solution used for safe transfer of technicians, their tools and minor parts to a offshore wind turbine or substation.
A person or a panel of individuals (usually 3) that under the terms of the contract provide: (1) non-binding recommendations to the contracting parties on issues arising; and/or (2) a binding decisions in relation to such matters.
Test methods for medium voltage cables, RTS preferable for high voltage cables which are used in offshore farms
Crane type lifting items between the wind turbine and service vessels. The Davit crane is most often located on the External Access Platform and/or the quay side in the harbour to lift components onto the CTV / SOV.
Fast tender boat used for accessing the offshore wind turbine from a SOV. It is suitable for lower wave heights than CTVs. Daughter crafts are obliged to stay within a certain distance to their SOV.
Drive-train design set-up of a wind turbine, whereby the rotor is connected directly to the generator via the main shaft. The direct drive design eliminates the need for a gearbox, yielding different specifications and design for the generator.
Object Management Group (OMG) machine-to-machine (also called middleware) standard that aims to enable scalable, real-time, dependable, high-performance and interoperable data exchanges using a publish–subscribe pattern. DDS is used in the wind turbine controller software.
Costs for decommissioning a wind farm or turbine. Studies show it is approximately 5-10% of the Capital expenditures, but is largely dependent on the specific site and whether it is decied to repower the farm or remove it entirely.
Expenses before signing the main construction contracts, typically including lease and development costs. In some cases DEVEX is included as a part of CAPEX.
Period where defects can be notified to the Contractor under the purchase contract (TSA).
The act of estimating potential risk within a design process. It can be carried out throughout the entire design phase to prevent potential failures and errors and achieving higher reliability for the product (e.g. a new type of foundation or transformer used for a wind turbine).
A ship that is used as a floating base for professional diving projects.
Siemens Gamesa blade add-on that improves aerodynamic features
Platform placed on TP to access the offshore wind turbine from a marine vessel, e.g. CTV or SOV.
Electron-beam welding (EBW) fuses materials using a high-velocity electron beam, converting kinetic energy into heat to join them, often in a vacuum for precise control.
A regulatory authorisation granting exclusive development rights over an offshore area to further realize the offshore wind project to generate and supply electricity in Korea.
Cable(s) exporting the generated electrical power from the offshore substation (OSS) (or directly from the wind farm if an OSS is not a part of the project) to onshore substation.
Public agencies or entites that provide government-backed loans, guarantees and insurance to finance domestic companies’ international export operations and other related activities.
See HSE.
Report comprising a number of investigations of the impact on the environment by building and operating, in example, a wind farm. The EIA must be completed for granting permission to develop a wind farm. It contains aspects such as bird mitigation, installation and operational noise, endangered species and surveillance plan over the lifetime of the farm. Usually the investigations and the related report is developed by external specialists. The EIA reports determine whether or not the project is in line with environmental regulations.
Point in time referring to the wind farm approaching end of lifetime (after 20 to 25 years). There are different options to be considered: (1) Life time extension, (2) Repowering, (3) Decommissioning.
Point in time where a wind turbine or a wind farm goes out of warranty under the supply agreement. Typically after 2 or 5 years of operation.
Price of the electricity at the assumed moment.
Type of “turnkey” contract comprising the full scope of engineering, procurement, and construction.
Type of “turnkey” contract comprising the full scope of engineering, procurement, and construction as well as installation.
Platform attached on the Transition Piece (TP) of an offshore wind turbine generator (OWTG). Switchgear, lockdown system and elevator are often placed on the EQP.
See OSS. ESP is the term used in the United States of America.
Safety system in a wind turbine enabling working at elevated heights.
Testing and validating whether components meet stated requirements before leaving the factory.
An engineering design approach considering technical requirements and rough investment costs to enhance project cost planning and controlling.
The FID is a key milestone in wind farm development. Before FID, activities such as business case development, completion of permits and financial arrangement are carried out. After successful FID, contracts for all major equipment can be placed, allowing procurement and construction to proceed and engineering to be completed.
Agreed fixed electricity price paid to energy producers for each unit of renewable energy produced and transfered into the electricity grid. FIT is guaranteed for a limited period of time related to the economic lifetime of the project.
The foundation of a wind turbine ensures stability to the rest of the structure. Various concepts are available for both onshore and offshore purposes. An offshore foundation consist of two major components; an upper part called Transition Piece (TP) and a bottom part varying according to site specifics. The two main types are Monopile or Jacket. The latter is used for larger water depths.
Protection system placed externally on offshore foundations to prevent corrosion.
Foundation type using gravity to position the turbine onto the seabed. It is often a concrete foundation placed on a stable seabed and the mass keeps it in place and position.
A metal encapsulated switchgear consisting of high-voltage components which can be safely operated in limited spaces.
EU energy certificate which proves that a given amount of power is produced at a particular power plant. Guarantees of origin are the only precisely defined instruments evidencing the origin of electricity generated from renewable energy sources.
A satellite-based radio-navigation system to determine an exact position on ground or at sea.
System which connects generating plants, e.g. wind farm to the consumer through distribution channels consisting of transmission lines and substations.
A system that enables technicians personnel to access the TP platform of an offshore wind turbine from a moving vessel through a motion-compensated hoist solution.
A unit of power measurement equivalent to one billion watts (10⁹ watts), commonly used to express the capacity or output of power plants, renewable energy installations, or large electrical systems.
Global Wind Energy Council, a leading organization that promotes the development and expansion of wind energy worldwide.
Non-profit organisation of wind turbine owners and manufacturers. It aims at ensuring a safe and injury free working environment within the wind energy industry.
Mostly used type of wind turbine, named after horizontal drive train design. Thus blades are rotating vertically.
Utilized for detecting and monitoring partial discharge activity in electrical equipment, aiding in predictive maintenance and preventing potential failures.
Operational task requiring helicopter, a qualified crew and possibly a helicopter deck.
A preliminary, non-binding agreement that outlines the key terms, conditions, and intentions of parties before finalizing a formal contract or agreement.
System provided by Siemens Gamesa for monitoring and controlling the power and voltage generated by the turbine within a wind park.
Average height of the highest one-third waves in a wave spectrum. The height of the highest waves can be nearly twice as high as the significant wave height.
HSE comprises all processes and functions dedicated to preserve health, safety and environment. It is sometimes referred to as EHS.
An integrated mechanism aimed at ensuring the health and safety of individuals, minimizing environmental impact, and maintaining quality in operations.
In the context of renewable energy, this typically refers to the high voltage transmission systems used to transport electricity from renewable energy installations to the grid.
Siemens Gamesa software allows production beyond 25 m/s and ramps down production at 28 or 32 m/s to prevent multiple start-ups and shutdowns.
Cable network within wind farm connecting between wind turbine and a connection point, e.g. substation. Typical voltage 33kV or 66 kV. There is a certain number of wind turbines connected to one string before the array cable connects to the offshore substation.
Refers to the network of cables connecting multiple wind turbines within an offshore wind farm, gathering power for export to the shore via an export cable.
The largest business organization in the world setting standards, principles and resolving contentious issues.
Protection system placed internally on offshore foundations to prevent corrosion.
International organization dealing with standards regarding electronic, electrical and related technologies. The standards are used extensively in the wind business.
The process of a renewable energy company offering its shares to the public in a new stock issuance to raise capital.
Non-public utilities who own assets to generate electricity and later sell it to the national electricity network.
Legal rights given to persons in order to protect the creations of their intellect (inventions, appearance of products, etc.).
Essential for assessing the condition of the generator within a wind turbine in combination with PI
An organization that coordinates, controls, and monitors the operation of an electrical power system, including the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid – covering one or multiple US states.
A standard specifying requirements for an asset management system within the context of an organization. It refers to all kinds of assets, tangible and non-tangible. In the case of wind industry it refers to the management of physical assets.
A third-party service provider that offers operation and maintenance services for energy systems, independent of the original manufacturer.
A formal request for supplier offers; term used across all industries.
Tube named after its shape leading the inter-array cable or export cable from bottom of the wind turbine through the foundation down to the seabed (or longer) for protecting of cables from twisting, bending and collision.
Vessel for transporting, installing and changing larger components on a wind turbine. It is able to ‘jack-up’, meaning it has 4 self-elevating legs which fix the vessel on the seabed. This ensures a safe lift of heavy components and precise installation.
Foundation type having a lattice structure, with heritage in offshore Oil & Gas platforms. Mainly used for larger water depths and on specific seabed conditions.
A type of Jack-Up vessel with jacket legs used for offshore wind turbine installation, foundation installation and exchange of major wind turbine components. The hull has a shape of a barge – this is where it got its name from.
A collaborative partnership between two or more entities to jointly undertake projects, combining resources and expertise. Each shareholder is responsible for profits, losses, and costs in line with their ownership share in the JV.
General term used for an organization or project to generate crucial indicators of how well or far they are from being successful and/or achieving main golds. Within the wind industry KPIs differs, depending on the owners priorities, e.g. cost, availability, yield, expanding lifetime.
Average cost per kWh produced by a wind turbine taking into account its entire lifetime. Costs included are all, DEVEX, CAPEX, OPEX and DECEX costs, thus non-recurring and recurring costs.
Describing the edge along the entire Wind Turbine Blade, where the wind flow has its first contact with the blade.
Protective layer(s) placed on the leading edge of a blade to prevent environmental erosion from e.g. small particles such as rain drops, hail, grains of sands. Blades are more exposed to erosion, because of the rotational movement, resulting in a higher collision impact contrary to static components such as the tower or nacelle.
This instrument measures distances by emmiting a stream of photons that interact with particles in the air and then measures the reflection with a sensor. Used in the offshore wind industry for measuring wind speeds on board of a floating device.
See Jack-Up vessel.
Unit which is monitoring vibrations on components operating at low speed, e.g. detecting irregular changes and potential failure at the main bearing at an early stage.
A non-binding document declaring the preliminary commitment of one party to do business with another
LPF is a KPI developed by Vestas Offshore to measure productivity. LPF is calculated as the ratio between what the turbine has actually produced within a time period, and what the turbine could have produced within the same time period in normal conditions considering that no problems, alarms, stops, or any other non-operating reasons were present.
Agreement between an owner of a wind farm and a contractor. The contractor is hired to service the wind turbines following the instructions agreed on in the LTP.
The process of replacing a main component on the wind turbine to rectify a damage or defect. Also know as Major Component Exchange.
Designed for the safe, efficient transfer of personnel and cargo to fixed or floating offshore installations.
Enables installation of floating monopiles. It compensates the remaining horizontal motions of a vessel, thus assuring straight pile installations.
The process of replacing a main component on the wind turbine to rectify a damage or defect. Also known as Major Component Replacement.
This is a control document used in project management which lists the important documentation for the project, including codes, standards, and procedures. In renewable energy projects, it ensures all technical and administrative documents are tracked and updated.
A non-binding agreement between two parties to collaborate on renewable energy projects or initiatives.
Special type of main bottom component of a foundation, consisting of a steel tube hammered or vibrated into the seabed. Usually cheapest offshore foundation solution, but only suitable for certain seabed conditions and water depth.
The mean sea level at a given location. It influences for example the design of the offshore wind turbine foundation.
A measure for asset reliability indicating how often an asset needs to be repaired.
Indicates the average time to recognize issues in service or component performance.
Indicates the average time between the start and the resolution of an incident.
Indicates the average time between warnings or alarms.
Joint venture of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Vestas Wind Systems with focus on manufacturing, installing and servicing offshore wind turbines.
German term for Point of Common Coupling.
Public phenomenon describing the opposition towards e.g. wind farms, if in their local area, while still having a general positive attitude towards renewables (“Great, but not in my backyard”).
All processes and actions ensuring the profit and integrity of a wind farm.
Property Insurance covering physical loss arising from any fortuitous causes during the operational phase of the windfarm, except those that are specifically excluded.
An application programming interface (API) that connects with database management systems while remaining independent of them.
Company which produces and supplies a product, which then is marketed by the buyer. In the wind industry it is used to refer to the supplier of the wind turbine generator and for the main components of the substation.
See OSS – Offshore Substation
A technology that allows embedding and linking to documents and other objects.
A contractual agreement that outlines the terms and conditions for overseeing the day-to-day operation of a renewable energy project for a specific period.
The base or headquarters from which operations and maintenance activities for a renewable energy project are coordinated typically including office space, warehouse and for offshore projects harbour facilities.
Station located onshore. Receiving and converting power to a desired voltage and current. It receives power from Offshore Substation via export cables and feeds it into the grid.
Series of standards specifies the communication of real-time plant data between control devices from different manufacturers.
Overall recurring cost of operating and maintaining a wind farm (excluding investment costs which are part of CAPEX).
An official document issued to certify the legal rights and safe use of public waters within a designated area of the ocean.
Modeling software used for simulating flexible structures, particularly in marine engineering applications.
Station located offshore in or close to offshore wind farm. It collects, transforms and connects power generated by offshore wind turbines to the onshore substation via export cable(s).
Multi-purpose offshore vessel, capable of not only transporting cargo to and from offshore floating facilities, but also covering mooring, installation, and fire fighting operations in a wide variety of offshore environments.
A cluster of wind turbines built at sea. Some of the important factors for building a wind farm are: (1) Distance to the shore and coupling point to the grid. (2) The water level and soil conditions, determining foundation type. (3) Environmental impact. (4) Wind and weather conditions.
German term for Offshore Wind Farm.
Wind turbine operating offshore. Designed to comply with offshore accessibility challenges and withstand harsh environmental conditions, e.g. corrosion protection, remote control and monitoring, higher mean wind speed, boat landing and helihoist platform. Sometimes shortened to OWT (Offshore Wind Turbine).
British Standards Institution’s Publicly Available Specification for optimized management of physical assets. The PAS55 served as the basis for the ISO standards family ISO 5500x.
Wind turbine control feature offered by Siemens Gamesa that enables an increase in annual energy production by raising the turbine rating under certain site conditions.
The ratio of actually produced power to possible power production based on the turbine availability.
Point in an electrical system, where multiple customers or multiple electrical loads may be connected. Also see Electrical Grid.
Curve displaying the generated power according to the average wind speed. Each wind turbine type has its own power curve characteristic, e.g. dependent on the control system.
A measurement key for evaluation of an offshore high voltage array cable
The probability of a system failure that prevents it from performing its safety function when required. PDF is calculated over a period of one hour and can be defined as either probability or maximum probability.
A centralized unit responsible for overseeing and coordinating various aspects of the project, including planning, execution, and monitoring.
Agreement between the power producer (the wind farm project) and the off-taker. It describes terms and prices for the power provided by the power producer.
A contract that establishes a preferred relationship between a buyer and supplier, ensuring preferential treatment, pricing, and terms for the supply of goods or services.
Obligations made by the European Union to ensure services of public interest, while potentially promote other initiatives e.g. levy on electricity to cover initiatives for renewables energy.
A ship designed to support logistics as well as transport of goods, tools, equipment and personnel to offshore platforms.
PEAK Wind is a market leader within the renewable energy industry, accelerating the global green transition through service offerings for investors, owners, developers, and operators of offshore, onshore, and floating wind assets.
An integrated mechanism aimed at ensuring the health and safety of individuals, minimizing environmental impact, and maintaining quality in operations.
A RAID controller is a hardware device or software program used to manage hard disk drives (HDDs) or solid-state drives (SSDs) in a computer or storage array so they work as a logical unit. The purpose is to create redundency in the case one disk fails or breaks.
The ratio of earned revenue relative to the total potential earned revenue taking into account project energy potential and energy offtake value. The use of RBA warranty provides the right incentive to performing service activities during periods of low revenue for projects that are exposed to merchant power prices.
Thorough assessment of all factors to determine the ‘source’ of a potential or already happened failure. The result can conclude whether it is an error in the FEED or system, an error in the maintenance or similar.
UK specific certificate to accredit power stations, that generate electricity from eligible renewable sources, e.g. wind farms. Issued by the British regulator for the gas and electricity industry: Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (OfGEM).
A vehicle, which is operated remotely. This means that the operator does not have to be physically in the same location as the ROV. Examples are toy race cars or drones. Usually ROVs are used in locations with difficult or dangerous access. In offshore wind ROVs are often used to scan the seabed and inspect foundation below water. Further drones are used to inspect blades of wind turbines.
Policies which require that a specified percentage of the electricity utilities sell comes from renewable resources such as wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, and certain hydroelectricity types. Also known as renewable electricity standards (RES).
Service agreement for wind turbines provided by the OEM. The term availability refers to the availability warranty of the wind turbines.
A professional responsible for the safety in high voltage networks and authorized to perform high voltage operations.
Verification of component(s) to ensure that no damage occurred between leaving the factory and intended placement. Recommended to undertake identical tests as in Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) to ensure comparability of results.
Vessel to accommodate service technicians for a longer period e.g. 1-2 weeks. Typically used to make for example yearly inspections or larger retrofits of a wind farm more efficient if it is placed far from the shore.
Submerged arc welding melts materials with a continuous electrode while shielding the weld from contamination using a layer of granular flux.
Computer-based system used for collecting, controlling and presenting data from various systems in a wind farm. Comprising among other: data from PLC controllers, individual process instruments, vibration and temperature measurement instruments.
Gap phenomenon happening between foundation and seabed. It occurs when seabed is washed away by currents. It can result in reduced support to the foundation. Sometimes scour is referred to as a scour hole.
A software platform designed to assess and analyze the environmental impact of energy projects and initiatives.
Joint venture of Siemens Wind Power and Gamesa with focus on manufacturing, installing and servicing wind turbines.
Agreement among a company’s shareholders that describes how the company should be operated and outlines shareholders’ rights and obligations. This agreement also details information on the management of the company and privileges/protection of shareholders.
A crane installed on top of the turbine allowing major components to be changed while reducing mobilization scope and costs.
Vertical and horizontal variation of the wind caused by surface roughness, obstacles and landscape contours. This figure indicates how much the wind changes across height.
A measure of safety system performance, in terms of probability of failure on demand (PFD).
Service agreement typically provided by the OEM supplying the serviced equipment as stated in the TSA, e.g. WTGs, SCADA and CMS for doing maintenance work for an agreed period of time.
Access solution used for safe transfer and accommodation of service technicians. Minor parts for inspection and repair work can be stored. Contrary to a CTV, SOVs can be used as a base for service technicians to stay in the wind farm for a longer period of time ( 4-6 weeks). A daughter craft or CTV might be used to supplement the SOV, for travel between the SOV and offshore wind turbine or substation.
Protective layer between seabed and foundation to prevent undermining the foundation by washing out sand. Consisting of rocks and stones placed around the foundation. Also used to protect export cables. Needs to be monitored by ROV or certified divers.
Mutual agreement between two entities (seller and buyer or vendor and purchaser) on the terms and conditions regarding the purchase of a certain number of shares at a stated price.
A domain-specific language used to communicate with relational database management systems.
See fall arrest system.
A technology used for mapping the seafloor by transmitting acoustic signals sideways from a towed or hull-mounted device. Generally used to map the seafloor in and around OWFs by ensonifying the benthos and the water column.
A control system ensuring that the wind turbine do not exceed recommended vibration level on various components.
Gateway between the SGRE controller abd the SGRE SCADA system named WebWPS.
Service agreement for wind turbines provided by the OEM. The term warranty refers to the availability warranty of the wind turbines.
The controller for the Siemens Gamesa converter system in the WTG.
Percentage of time when wind turbine is technically able to produce power. It is usually calculated on an annual basis.
See CMS.
A set of rules and procedures used to interconnect network devices on the Internet.
Area on the rear end along a blade, used for aerodynamic features to enhance aerodynamic performance and reduce wind shear.
Factor indicating losses due to the electrical infrastructure up until PCC for a wind farm.
Device mounted on structures to absorb harmonic vibrations and prevent potential failure.
Certificate indicating the date of officially handing over individual wind turbines, foundations etc. It is used as a input for contractual agreements e.g. as starting point for TSA warranty conditions.
The upper part of the foundation of a wind turbine located above sea level. Boat landing and the external access (secondary steel) platform are fixed on the TP.
Insurance protection against lawsuits and claims coming from third parties other than the insured body. Insurance can include both third party property damage and bodily injury.
Main electrical component to transform from one current to another for reducing electrical losses according to Ohm’s law. An offshore wind farm has typically one in every WTG which is then connected to one or more shared OSSs, where the current yet again is transformed to achieve an efficient transportation to the PCC or OnSS on shore.
A binding agreement containing terms of supplying wind turbine generators. It also includes associated equipment.
Term defined by the European Commission describing an entity entrusted with transporting energy, which is utilized on national or regional level, e.g. natural gas or electrical power.
Sum of the theoretical production of all WTGs in a wind farm in a given production period, e.g. from TOC to decommissioning. Used to determine the PBA on a wind farm for the TSA and of course to determine if the project is profitable or not. It is also used to plan the setup of the grid connection.
Uncrewed surface vessels collect vital oceanographic and atmospheric data autonomously, controlled remotely from sea or shore, or executing pre-planned missions with minimal human intervention.
Special design of a wind turbine, named after the direction of the main shaft. The main shaft is placed along the tower and transverse to the wind. Advantages are the wind direction is negligible, but increased wake effect because its structure lowers the overall yield. Further it causes fluctuating loads on the structure leading to increased fatigue.
Secure and confidential online database to distribute and store files and documentation in e.g. due diligence processes.
The equivalent for a vessel as to the black box in an airplane. It is used to trace its location and other essential information on various activities made by the vessel.
Very Low Frequency, a test method for offshore array cables, or high voltage cables, suboptimal to RTS
Vestas’ integrated SCADA system that enables access to turbine and fleet specific data and documents.
Employed for technician training, offering immersive and interactive simulations to enhance learning experiences.
Refers to renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, that fluctuate based on natural conditions (e.g., wind speed, sunlight availability) rather than consistent output.
Access type between a vessel and access platform on a wind turbine. As the name implies it is a easy solution for access from vessel to an External Access Platform.
Period during which wind turbines are not operating due to for example unsuitable weather conditions or breakdowns. This term is also referred to as the period during which wind turbines are not accessible by a vessel.
A wind turbine extracts energy from the wind, when converting energy from the wind into electrical energy. Further it and induces turbulence caused by its movement and friction with the air mass. Following this, the wind speed upstream (in front) of a turbine is higher than downstream (behind). This affects wind turbines standing downstream of another turbine resulting in less wind energy available and a more complex wind flow due to increased turbulence. One could say that the downstream wind turbine stands in the “shadow” of the upstream wind turbine.
A SCADA system to monitor and control remotely SGRE turbines
Device powered by the energy of the wind which generates mechanical energy that can be used to directly power machinery or to power an electrical generator for making electricity.
German term for a periodic inspection, e.g. every year.
See WD.
The yield of a wind farm which is warranted by the OEM as stated in the SMA.
Evaluates wind conditions and estimates potential energy output for wind turbines or farms in a specific location.
Wind turbine operating onshore. For Offshore Wind Turbine see OWTG.
Term used for the jack-up vessel used during installation.
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a standard for exchanging data between computer systems and is also human readable.
Estimated performance of a wind turbine based on its power curve.